is an independent journalism and community platform dedicated to greater clarity and more informed public engagement on refugees in Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Through a mix of investigative reporting and storytelling from our team, photographers, as well as online and offline community interactions, we explore social and economic integration and other critical topics.

We aim to ensure refugee self-representation in international media and events. We elevate positive narratives about refugees and migrants, celebrating their valuable contributions within dzaleka refugee camp and to their countries of origin and destination.

We also help create opportunities for refugee journalists to publish their work and build a wider network on our platform.

By building an engaged community and providing a platform for Refugee voices, artists, and thought leaders who are addressing the opportunities and challenges in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, provides a forum for learning, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving.


To learn more about our platform or to inquire about partnership opportunities, please email or visit the Contact Us page.