The AGAPAO FOUNDATION is, a non-profit community-based organization working toward stopping the spread of HIV/ Aids in the communities of Malawi, especially to children living in a vulnerable place such as Dzaleka Refugee Camp.

Mission Statement

Taking into account that AIDS is the leading cause of death for children and adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa (SGDs, 2000), Considering that Children living with HIV AIDS in Malawi, and particularly in Dzaleka refugee camps are discriminated against, stigmatized, and are in a precarious economic situation, yet already vulnerable.

​​Understanding that in Dzaleka Refugee Camp, the infection rate to HIV AIDs is increasing amongst refugee women and youths (mostly young females due to exposition to poverty and poor strategic preventive information and well planned integrated programs that could have to ensure the well-being and, The organization AGAPAO FOUNDATION shall reach out and support all children living with HIV/ AIDS in Dzaleka and in the host communities, in order for them to live with dignity in an inclusive community, which is duly informed about the prevention of HIV AIDS infection from mother to child.

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